The launch of York Community Fund

York Community Fund launch

How to give back in York

We absolutely loved launching the York Community Fund at Merchant Adventurers Hall. The vibe in the room was truly electric, full of community love!

We saw so many people enjoy the Kyra Women’s Project singing group as they came into the Hall. Some people joined in, and the women put their heart and souls into it.

There was a beautiful spread of food, courtesy of Food Circle. We thought it was delicious.

Playback theatre bringing community to life

We got lots of positive feedback on Next Door But One’s brilliant piece of Playback theatre. It cleverly captured the essence of the fund – of hope, of collaboration, of people – and really brought to the life how everyone benefits from community.

Four actors in black tee shirts

Celia McKeon, Chief Exec at Two Ridings spoke of the need for funding in York. She explained how we all see the tourism, the history and the popularity of York in the city centre, but that is just one side of the city. She went on to highlight the inequality some people face; the children going to school hungry, the families who are unable to make ends meet, the people who might go days without having seen a soul to talk to. And how the power of community, the many small community groups in York, make it their mission to change that. Claire Foale from City of York Council echoed this powerfully in her contribution to the evening.

Picture of Celia McKeon

Funding to keep doors open and provide support for everyone

Stephen Collins from Tang Hall Community Centre talked passionately about the importance of their community space and how it is the heart of the neighbourhood. He spoke about the way food brings people together and how funding enables them to keep their doors open and support everyone.

Two people making speeches

Celia also explained how individuals and businesses could make York stronger by collectively investing in the York Community Fund.

a collage of smiling people at an event

Local corporate organisations investing in the fund

Allan Cook of York Central Ltd talked through why they had invested in the fund, stressing the importance of local businesses being involved in supporting everyone in the area. He also talked about York Central providing great affordable housing, social areas, and nature rich outside spaces for the local community to enjoy.

Allan Cook and Celia McKeon

The room felt connected, generous and joyful. Ideas were shared, stories told, and change began with contributions to the fund being made on the night.

Thank you to  everyone who joined us for making it so special.

A group of people at an event

We also talked about the people that were not in the room. Not just the people who couldn’t make it, but also the people who hadn’t even been invited – and the importance of the Fund being proactive about reaching those who might be furthest away from accessing support.

If you weren’t able to make it, but would like to invest in the fund, either a personal donation or a corporate investment, please do get in touch with us or make a direct donation here

And if you are community organisation needing resources, you can apply for funding from Monday 19th August

A tree with dream labels on

We thank our partners, City of York Council, York CVS, JRF and York Together for working with us to launch the fund, our sponsors Hunter Gee Holroyd and LGT Wealth Management for making the event possible, and JRF and York Central Ltd for investing in this York initiative.

We hope others will invest, so that together we are making a difference.

A group of women singing