#iwill Fund (National)
The #iwill Fund looks to support social action activities that create opportunities for young people aged 10-20 to develop their potential and their capacity to significantly contribute to their community. Social action involves activities such as campaigning, fundraising and volunteering and has huge potential to create enjoyable opportunities and skills development for young people, and in turn benefit the local people and places.
The programme will prioritise young people under the age of 14, as well as young people from socio-economically deprived areas and communities. It will specifically target those scoring lower than 20% on the indices of multiple deprivation and/or those belonging to ethnic groups that have been hit especially hard by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Applications should address some of the 6 principles of youth social action as articulated below:
- Reflective – recognising contributions as well as valuing critical reflection and learning
- Challenging – stretching and ambitious as well as enjoyable and enabling
- Youth Led – led, owned and shaped by young people’s needs, ideas and decision making
- Socially impactful – have a clear and intended benefit to a community, cause or social problem
- Progressive – sustained, and providing links to other activities and opportunities
- Embedded – accessible to all, and well-integrated to existing pathways to become a habit for life
Size of grants
Grants are available of between £1,000 and £10,000.
Who can apply?
Please read our ‘How to Apply’ page for information on general eligibility.
How to apply?
Please read the #iwill 2022 Guidance Notes for this grant scheme carefully.
Applications are only considered complete when all supporting documentation has been received either attached to the online application or posted to the office as paper copies.
When to apply?
This scheme is currently open and will close 28th November 2022.